An astrologer I read regularly on the web has said that in two hundred years we will have moved beyond the printed word. That means this whole blogging concept will become obsolete. If print disappears, will life be as interesting as it is now?

Tuesday, February 06, 2007

Answers to Reverie quizzes, trivia

February 6, 2007

Who was confused about the origin of matzo balls?

Marilyn Monroe


Patricia Hickman said...

I'd like to ask you about your blogger name, but don't know how to contact you.

Anonymous said...

DawnofAquarius is a play on "dawning of the age of Aquarius" from the old recording "Age of Aquarius" by The Fifth Dimension from the musical play Hair. It's rather misleading in that my name isn't Dawn and I'm a Scorpio not an Aquarian.

Actually, astrologers are confused about the dates of the Aquarian Age, some say it's already started and others claim it's half over while others think it will begin soon. They sound as confused as I can be at times.

Anonymous said...

abornfan is my user name at

Also, if you like fanfiction, I have a forum at:

where I'm CayeLyra. Registration is required to post.