An astrologer I read regularly on the web has said that in two hundred years we will have moved beyond the printed word. That means this whole blogging concept will become obsolete. If print disappears, will life be as interesting as it is now?

Sunday, May 07, 2006


Quality degrades?

Time passes and I lament the loss of quality in most things: my soap operas, the romance novels that used to be such caramel chocolate substitute pleasures, movies, the music I hear on the radio or television, the sodas I once drank, the television dramas/comedies. Sometimes I wonder if I'm just jaded because I've partaken of these things for so many years.

Naaahhh. They really aren't as good as they once were. Too many people seem to be settling for too little. We talk about soap operas on a forum I belong to (yes, I know it's ending with a preposition, so sue me!!). The members in their teens, twenties, thirties know the soaps have declined in quality. But they'd rather watch crap than fight for what they want.

Apathy rules. They quote banal song lyrics from recordings made by singers who can't carry a tune. I'm disgusted by the hopelessness. Yet, if these younger people don't have the will/energy to turn things around. . .I'm too old. And stubborn. I can manage without the new stuff, living on memories. The younger crowd aren't so lucky. Their memories will suck.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

To some extent, every generation feels the same about "the way things used to be." Our parents certainly thought Glenn Miller and Artie Shaw were far superior to The Beatles and The Rolling Stones, for instance.

Can't argue the point that there seems to be an overall decline in the quality of many things. However, don't feel too bad for the young folks today. They literally don't know what they're missing! And for them, as the song says, these ARE the good old days.