An astrologer I read regularly on the web has said that in two hundred years we will have moved beyond the printed word. That means this whole blogging concept will become obsolete. If print disappears, will life be as interesting as it is now?

Monday, February 13, 2006

Words to Go

The day before Valentine's Day. I find it odd that we need a holiday to celebrate love which is something I feel necessary for life itself. Not so much to be loved (though that be lovely) as to fill our hearts with love for something or someone to the point where ego becomes muted. At least temporarily.

To love oneself counts, too.

Love requires expression. To love in silence hurts.

"How do I love thee, let me count the ways. . ."


Favorite love songs:

Younger Than Springtime
Some Enchanted Evening
The Night of My Nights

Favorite movies about love:

Shall We Dance? (Japanese)
Ever After
Trois Colours: Rouge
The Long Hot Summer (1958)

Favorite aphrodisiac:


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