An astrologer I read regularly on the web has said that in two hundred years we will have moved beyond the printed word. That means this whole blogging concept will become obsolete. If print disappears, will life be as interesting as it is now?

Sunday, March 16, 2008

How To Do Nothing Fast

I have a thousand and two things I need to do or start to do which is the crux of the matter. Where to begin when there's way too much tugging at my sleeve, screaming, "Do me, do me!" Do me screams create conflict, and often I end up doing nothing.

I thought I had come up with a way to choose what to do next without having to think about all those chores waiting for me to begin. Confession: Writing this post was on the list of things to do. That I am keyboarding this right now means that my method for eliminating priority conflicts can work. I repeat--can work. Just not necessarily quickly and efficiently. Perhaps the method will work more swiftly for you--or not. Destiny, hm, fate, hm, no--life is fickle and can get in the way of careful planning.

  • How to Choose What To Do When You Don't Know What To Do Next

  • Take slips of index card

  • Write one task/chore on each slip

  • Fold slips where it is impossible to read the slip

  • Place folded slips into a baggie and shake well

  • Draw out one slip and read your assignment. . .if you choose to accept this assignment. . .(if you don't like that task, refold, replace slip in bag and redraw)

  • Complete that job before you even think about taking another slip out of the baggie

So where did I go wrong? It's like this, ya see. . .

I thought I'd give myself a break and put in one slip that said, "Do nothing. . ." After all, I would need a break sometime. . .

What was written on the first slip I pulled out of my collection of work to be done items? Guess.